Tendinopathy of the long head of the biceps tendon (LHB) encompasses a range of pathology, including inflammatory tendinitis to degenerative tendinosis that can lead to pain, as well as instability of the LHB and its surrounding stabilizers. Accordingly, tenodesis of the LHB during shoulder ...
The average time between primary surgery and revision was 21.6months. Patients over the age of 45years had significantly poorer results after the repair. Biceps tenodesis is a feasible therapeutic alternative to anatomical repair for the treatment of SLAP lesions in middle-aged patients; the re...
Keywords Biceps TenodesisImaging of Biceps TenodesisPostoperative ComplicationsProximal long head biceps tendon (LHBT) pathology is a common and well-recognized cause of anterior shoulder pain.1鈥 4 Various surgical procedures have been developed to address LHBT pathology. Postoperative imaging can ...
The selected studies investigated outcomes following various orthopedic shoulder procedures, encompassing biceps tenodesis, total shoulder arthroplasty, and rotator cuff repair. Notably, factors, such as gender, body mass index, diabetes, smoking habits, opioid usage, depression, anxiety, workers' ...
Different postoperative imaging findings will be encountered, depending on the kind of surgery done. This review article describes typical postoperative MRI findings, focusing on subacromial decompression, reconstruction of the rotator cuff, labrum procedures, and biceps tenodesis.U L...
At 6 months after surgery, the recovery rate for the ASES score was higher after ATSR and RTSR (96% and 85%, respectively) compared with arthroscopic RCR and arthroscopic biceps tenodesis (76% and 77%, respectively). However, due to the retrospective nature of the study and its high ...