Tennis elbow.When you overuse your arm muscles, the tendons around your elbow can tear. This is called tennis elbow. Tenosynovitis. Here, you havetendonitisalong with theinflammationof the synovial sheath that covers the tendon. There are two types of tenosynovitis — DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis a...
To state that this law somehow prohibits us from freely exercising our religion is a pretty bicj stretch. Benefit brouhaha More results ► Acronyms browser ? ▲ BICD BICE BICEA BICEB BICEC BICECA BICEP BICEPP BICEPS BICER BICERI BICES BICF BICFET BICFS BICG BICGP BICGSTAB BICH BICHAT ...
like the massage therapist I saw once who tried to base his treatment of me on a completely imaginary muscle — a weird hybrid of two or three others, like the quadriglutator or the sternobiceptoid. (I would have laughed, if he hadn’t been carelessly handling my fairly badly injured ...