The majority of menopausal women in the United States are unaware of bioidentical/natural hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Alternative paths: bioidentical hormone replacement In a statement to the BHRT, Izetbegovic told the SNSD leader that his party remains one of the main partners for governme...
Statistics on hair loss in women in the past have been challenging to obtain because it’s often considered a cosmetic issue and isn’t always reported. Furthermore, the focus for hair loss has typically been placed on men, with male pattern baldness being the most researched form. And, of...
professional pursuits. Based in New York's Catskill Mountain region, Karyn is also a magazine writer, columnist, and author of four books. She specializes in topics related to green living and botanical medicine, drawing from her extensive knowledge to create informative and engaging content for ...
We offer services in Radiant Clinique : Lifestyle Health Screening, Non -Surgical Laser (Face, Body, Vaginal), Weight Management and Body Contouring,Hair Restoration, Detoxification Therapics, Dna Profiling, Skin Diseases, Hormone Replacement (BHRT) for Men and Women. read more Chemical Peeling ...
“low-risk drinking” for women is defined as no more than 7 drinks per week, or one a day. For men, it is defined as no more than 14 drinks per week, or two a day.Other experts recommend much less, especially for those who are healing from disease. Research also suggests that ...
Your androgen hormones include testosterone (critical to be in balance for women looking to conceive) as well as DHEA (an adrenal hormone) and two androgen metabolites. DHEA is the parent hormone to testosterone, so it’s important to understand what DHEA looks like in comparison to testosteron...
The other controversy I've heard about estriol cream is that it can increase the risk for breast cancer in women who have an inclination for it. I think that estrogen and its forms play a major role in breast cancer. My mom is also not taking any form of estrogen even though she's ...