Terblanche, Shane
Diesel oil is a fuel used primarily in diesel engines, known for its high energy efficiency, while gas oil, often referred to as heating oil or red diesel, is used in heating applications and off-road vehicles, marked by its lower tax status.
“A fleet manager must have a plan in place for diesel maintenance, as it is more complex and specialized then gasoline engine maintenance and repair,” he explained. “Maintenance for diesel trucks can be more expensive because it requires specialized training. And, there are not as many diese...
Oil and gas are both fossil fuels used as primary energy sources, but oil is generally used in liquid form for fuels and manufacturing, while gas, typically found as natural gas, is used for heating, electricity, and industrial processes. ...
Good mileage for a hybrid is anything between 35 and 50 mpg, depending on the vehicle size. An interesting consideration with hybrid cars is that they get better gas mileage during city driving than they do on the highway, so it's important to know what kind of driving you tend to do....
As of February 2025 (in order of highest): Hawaii, California, Washington, and Nevada. The lowest gas prices are found in Texas, Oklahoma, and Mississippi.21 The Bottom Line Like crude, gasoline is a widely traded commodity, and its wholesale prices are set in deep and competitive markets....
engine is rapidly aging. Vehicles powered by gasoline or diesel are observing a decline, and are being replaced by fully electric vehicles. The coming decade is the decade of Electric Vehicles, who knows you will be the owner of one in the upcoming years. So get to know what it is ...
gas into the finished product. These include refining crude oil into gasoline,natural gas liquids, diesel, and a variety of other energy sources. The closer an oil and gas company is to the process of providing consumers with petroleum products, the further downstream the company is said to ...
Gasoline (Petrol) vs Diesel: Which one is better? A Beginner’s Guide The Difference Between Diesel And Petrol Crude oil is made up of a mix of different hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons can form either long, straight chains or rings. The boiling point of a chain or ring is directly relate...
Have you pulled your car up to the gas pump lately and been shocked by the highprice of gasoline? Maybe you've thought about trading in your car for something that gets better mileage — or maybe you're worried that your car is contributing to thegreenhouse effect, but you're not ready...