Media Huang1 is a, also known as Qian SuhuangGG, Water Popular Yellow or Benzopyrene Puppet Nitrodes, Sodium acid is a compound. It is usually used as a biological staining agent and a pH indicator. The structure is shown in the figure below: The dye molecular structure contains puppet ni...
Are humans really are what they eat Arehumansreallyarewhattheyeat?Complexityofhumandrugmetabolism byOlgaTrubetskoy Terminology Metabolism:(Gk:metabole:change)Xenobiotics:xeno(Gk:foreign)…bioticsInhibition(Latininhibitus,):toprohibitfromdoingsomethingInduction(Latininducere):toinduce:tocallfor...
Professor Zhao Ji explained that since the meat at a high temperature direct barbecue, the decomposition of lipid droplets in the charcoal fire, Lane with meat protein combination would create a called benzopyrene of carcinogenic substances. Such substances on human health is the biggest of its stro...