My cousin just found out yesterday that her 37 week old baby has no heartbeat. She is being induced this morning. This is the second stillbirth for her. The previous was 28 weeks. She had the work up done with the first one and report came back with no answers. she was very excited...
Yes, the most desirable form of astrakhan is that froma lamb 15-30 days away from being born, and it is sourced by killing both the ewe and the unborn lamb. Horrific. There are other ways to source astrakhan: either by waiting for the lamb to be born, or by utilizing the pelts of ...
Some babies with prune belly syndrome may be stillborn. Other babies born with prune belly syndrome may not live more than a few months past birth. Even with treatment, some children may develop kidney failure. Kidney failure is described as 85 to 90% of your kidney function being gone, res...
The intensification of agriculture has led to the widespread use of chemical pesticides for the control of pests and diseases. However, it has been demonstrated that these pesticides can enter the animal body through a number of different pathways, with
My experience with this is being born with my "parasitic twin" growing inside me but it wasn't known and found until I was three years of age. By this time, it had become cancerous, and nearly killed me! My parents always told me that I just had cancer as a child and I had to...
Another important consideration is the stress of a high-profile career and how it may negatively affect the baby. Stress during pregnancy is harmful to the fetus since it can manifest itself as a loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, shallow breathing patterns, and weakening of the immune system...
Still flushed with the enthusiasm and excitement of delivering slippery and loud bundles of joy into happy parents' arms I confidently took over from the nurse who gravely told me the baby was stillborn. I felt a lot less confident and quite a bit more disconcerted at this unfamiliar and ...
What is gravida? Gravidity is defined asthe number of times that a woman has been pregnant. Parity is defined as the number of times that she has given birth to a fetus with a gestational age of 24 weeks or more, regardless of whether the child was born alive or was stillborn. ...
Introverted Feeling is a mental process that focuses on being true to one’s self and one’s values. Checking in with the self, being sure that what you’re doing feels authentic, these are the things that matter to people with this preference. Types with Introverted Feeling are often re...