Though you all probably know that bee venom is successfully used in a wide range of conditions like osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinson, myopathy, polyneuritis, dementia, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, aeehytmia, asthma, cancer and so many other, bee venom is also successfully used in co...
The only reason they break so easily when you hit them is that they are such thin strands.Answer and Explanation: Spiders actually make their webs from silk produced in their own bodies. Made from chains of amino acids, a spider's web is 100 percent protein. Not...Become a member and ...
Apart from drugs, what else can be used to relieve the pain due to a bee sting or an ant bite?Question:Apart from drugs, what else can be used to relieve the pain due to a bee sting or an ant bite?Bee Sting:A bee sting occurs when a stinger is ins...
Travelling is great but home is where the heart is Last year I took some great trips with my favourite travelling companion – my fiancé Russ. Portugal, Turkey, London and some fab day outs too. But nothing beats getting home – it really is our calm from the storm and I love that th...
Once peanut protein gets into the circulation it gets picked up by peanut-specific IgE. These antibodies, in turn, present their catch to specialized cells that line the blood vessels. These cells are calledmast cells. Unlike the Th2 cell that is smart, in the sense that it had specificity...
is the interaction between the jewel wasp and its host a cockroach (Williams1942; Haspel et al.2005; Catania Kenneth2018). The jewel wasp’s goal is to oviposit an egg on a cockroach, which will serve as a protein-rich source for newly-hatched larvae. To manipulate the behavior of a ...
The key to bromelain's potential as a natural remedy for Peyronie's Disease is its affect on collagen -- the primary material in scar tissue. Of all the protein-digesting enzymes, bromelain is most effective at stimulating collagenase, the enzyme that breaks down collagen by dissolving the pept...
Unlike T2, T2* is strongly affected by the presence of magnetic field inhomogeneities and thus might not solely reflect tissue structure. At the same time, this makes T2* imaging very sensitive in detecting protein-bound iron. Raman et al. [54] were the first to conduct an extensive study ...
What is basal protein degradation? What is a hornet? What is a hornet's nest made of? What is acclimatization in biology? What are movable joints? What is the palmar surface? What is active antiretroviral therapy? What is a palmetto bug? What is cytotoxic venom? What is an obligate endo...
Answer to: Diphenhydramine, the antihistamine in Benadryl, can be prepared by the following two-step sequence. What is the structure of...