Following an "ansatz" of Bjrner and Ziegler [BZ], we give an axiomatic development of finite sign vector systems that we call complex matroids . This includes, as special cases, the sign vector systems that encode complex arrangements according to [BZ], and the complexified oriented matroids,...
a criminal and a child-killer… The regime of Assad is the most criminal and backward regime of the Arab world. Shame on anyone who continues to remain silent. Every moment that passes without us standing up and doing something, means hundreds of Syrians being...
What is an "axiomatic definition"? Every definition is an axiomatic definition? How does Linux kernel use Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions)? Story where the main character is hired as a FORTH interpreter. We pull back and realise he is a computer program living in a...
i≠0 have no physical reality (another thing is the quantum universe, which is reversible, so all its states have the same entropy! Although at the moment it is nothing more than a set of mathematical models). Colloquially, this would mean that the classical universe does not ...
What matters and what corresponds to "verifiable" fact is structure and relationship, that two points determine a line, that numbers combine according to certain rules to form other numbers. etc. A clear insight into the necessity of a dissubstantiation of elementary mathematical concepts has ...
There is an axiomatic, mathematically rigorous approach to quantum field theory, called axiomatic, local or algebraic quantum field theory, that uses and needs a lot of material from operator algebras. The cooperation of physicists and mathematicians has been rich and fruitful, much like in general...
Perceptional mechanism: Sensory systems. Subject and object of perception. System-informational nature of perception. Its functions and algorithm. Meaning. Concepts of “impression” and “memory”. Minimal semantic value. Axiomatic non-formalized notions (feelings, desires, attention, etc,) ...
But if the observer is computationally bounded, then this puts constraints on the structure of the reference frame: it can’t for example be so wild that it separately traces the computationally irreducible behavior of individual atoms of space. But let’s say an observer has successf...
Following the polluter pays principle, major involvement by industry in enhancing research and monitoring is axiomatic, given their accrued benefits from marine living resources extracted from the Convention Area (e.g. [13]). In this paper, for each of the four core management topics, I outline...
See measurement (quantum as radically instable vis-à-vis classical as axiomatically stable). See PPL. See What's Wrong PPL as Value? See complete as an aspect of absoluteness: classical: states all truths (classical completeness), and always states the truth (classical consistency). quantum...