go awry go phut miss recoil be ruined come to grief fall short break down come a cropper come to nothing fizzle out fizz out go pear-shaped meet with disaster peter out poop out bite the dust go up in smoke not come off fail to go off more ❯ Verb ▲ To provide, or transfer ...
credit borrowers in the lurch. BNPL doesn’t give them a pathway to improving their credit so that they can one day access consumer loans (and mortgages) at competitive interest rates. And it doesn’t protect their already imperfect credit from further damage if their BNPL repayment goes awry...
What is the meaning of 'dead of night'? What does negligent mean? What does limber mean? What does the idiom "cry over spilt milk" mean? What does 'throw down the gauntlet' mean? What does it mean to be insensitive? What does the idiom "jump ship" means? What does awry mean? Wha...
OT security is vital because OT systems manage essential industrial processes. If compromised, these systems could lead to severe operational disruptions, safety risks, and potential harm to both people and the environment, especially in sectors like utilities and manufacturing. ...
Nothing is entirely good — and that includes, sadly, smart homes. More vulnerabilities:From a cybersecurity perspective, having one weak device meansall of them are vulnerable— including your PC, phone, or other device with sensitive information stashed on it. Smart devices are often less secu...
Having an overview of all potential risks allows you to prioritize them against one another if there is more than one risk occurring. This prioritization will benefit your project team and help keep them on track if the project does go awry. You can devise strategies and allocate resources for...
So staff tests barrels and tanks frequently, monitoring how fermentations are evolving so they can course-correct when a barrel goes awry. Checking in with paper chromatography also helps them decide when they should add sulphur to their tanks. If the year is cold and fermentation isn’t kick...
A conventional loan is offered by a private lender without government backing. Learn more about conventional loans and why they are popular with home buyers.
False speech intended to hurt another is called What does awry mean? What does fatal flaw mean? What does it mean to undermine opposing views? What are positive and negative connotations? What does bogus mean? What is the meaning of 'no good deed goes unpunished'?
Don't give the earnest money directly to the seller because you might have trouble getting it back if things go awry. The earnest money is disbursed at closing. Buyers usually put it toward closing costs or the down payment. You may have to forfeit the earnest money to the seller if you...