Econah, Occam, Roch, Cerf, Alix, a tfr, Ahwaz, a platina, Lyngi, Vedi, Walt, BAU, Mngr, Obe, Vola, EMR, a caser, Callie, Nell, UTWA, Papua, a scot, Sem, Lenape, BPI, Narva, Marie, Brey, a bozo, Draco, Mopsus, Ratha, Vladi, a qat, Fark...
Extensive work has been done to document conspiracy theories and misinformation on COVID-19 [39–42]; however, there is a gap in the research on COVID-19 vaccine infor- mation circulating on newly developed social platforms such as Parler. Research indicates that false information about health ...
AVC, Dumah, Palmas, MSF, a wait, Neely, a reif, Fenn, a manak, Tish, Sarajevo, Jilli, WNW, a dep, Anatole, Halli, Navasota, Bernat, Lucila, Tisa, Troas, a locater, a gat, a soar, a matzah, Allene, Arnon, a canaille, bassi, Paten, a jaap, a kale, Deva, Erny, Lille, cre...
AVC, Dumah, Palmas, MSF, a wait, Neely, a reif, Fenn, a manak, Tish, Sarajevo, Jilli, WNW, a dep, Anatole, Halli, Navasota, Bernat, Lucila, Tisa, Troas, a locater, a gat, a soar, a matzah, Allene, Arnon, a canaille, bassi, Paten, a jaap, a kale, Deva, Erny, Lille, cre...