1Altmetric Abstract Autonomy-supportive teaching strongly predicts positive functioning in both the students who receive autonomy support and the teachers who give it. Recognizing this, the present paper provides conceptual and operational definitions of autonomy support (to explain what it is) and offers...
parenting guides far exceed that number: there are some 40,000 of them, including books such as Jane Rankin’s Parenting Experts, that do nothing but evaluate the often conflicting advice the experts offer. People, it seems, are even more nervous about their parenting than they are about ...
Perceived autonomy support and autonomous motivation toward mathematics activities in educational and out-of-school contexts is related to mathematics home... We adopted a trans-contextual model of motivation to examine the processes by which school students' perceived autonomy support (defined as student...
when my hat is here when my soul touches when night comes when no town becomes when our hands met when paul wrote when practice when print out when proofs built when ross said rachel when she embraces when she found her ne when someone is overc when stops sadly when suddenly looking when...
Autonomy support and control in weight management: What important others do and say matters. Brit J Health Psychol. 2014;19:540-52.Ng, J. Y. Y., Ntoumanis, N., & Thogersen-Ntoumani, C. (2013). Autonomy support and control in weight management: What important others do and say ...
One hundred and fifty-four teachers completed a questionnaire designed to assess their type of motivation to teach, what they believe is desirable student motivation, and the level to which they opt for behaviors that support student autonomy. Our findings suggest: Firstly, that teachers who teach...
One reason is that the word autonomy has implications beyond the electromechanical. A fully autonomous car would be self-aware and capable of making its own choices. For example, you say “drive me to work” but the car decides to take you to the beach instead. A fully automated car, ...
Although it may not be possible to prevent a data breach from happening, it is possible to protect against online identity theft by using a VPN. Through tunneling, a VPN encrypts your data so that no one else, including fraudsters, can see it, thus securing your information even when you...
Job enrichment and job enlargement are terms that often get confused. We know that jobenrichmentis about making a job more interesting, challenging, and rewarding—and much of this involves adding more meaningful tasks into the mix. However, job enlargement involves ramping up the breadth of a ...
Definition: Hybrid work is a flexible work model that supports a blend of in-office, remote, and on-the-go workers. It offers employees the autonomy to choose to work wherever and however they are most productive. What is a hybrid work model?