the festive spirit in Australia is as diverse as its population. From Christmas in the sun to vibrant New Year festivities, the country showcases a unique blend of cultural celebrations that reflect its multicultural society. Whether you're a local or a traveler, experiencing these festive traditi...
" wertvolle Einblicke aus der Marktforschung. 17 Juni 2024 Banken-Symposium Wachau 2024 Wir freuen uns, Sie wieder zum Banken-Symposium Wachau (BSW) einladen zu dürfen. Kein bankenspezifisches Thema wird hierzulande aktuell intensiver diskutiert als die KIM-Verordnung, die Kreditvergabestandards...
Fully agree. Inflation is good for government because it lowers the real value of the debt. It is good for corporations, because they also hold very large sums of debt and value of their assets value increases. It is good for the vast majority of the adult US population, because they als...
consistently advocated the efficacy of population growth for China (Ren Duo,Liliang Da –“With Many People, Strength is Great”) …he stated that “even if China’s population multiplies many times, she is fully capable of finding a solution, the solution is production” (‘The Bankruptcy of...
AUS Wide Culture Shock Stand Up Comedy Australia Comedian Peter Kypri, known as ‘Cypriot Smurf’, is returning to Australia for a tour across the country. His show ‘Culture Shock’ is a hilarious stand-up comedy show that promises to take you on a jo...
2015). Also related to the limited representativeness of the data collected is the fact that we only searched tweets written in English. This means users from English-speaking countries with a large population are overrepresented, including the USA, UK and India. This is a common problem of ...
The Lower Rhine Embayment (LRE) is one of the largest groundwater regions in Germany. Data from the Erftverband [19] indicate for its area of activity, which covers the so far discussed section of the LRE, a groundwater withdrawal of 940 Mill m3 in the year 2019/2020. A population of...
H2A.Z.1 is preferentially incorporated in promoter regions and has a serine at position 38; H2A.Z.2.1 is enriched at AT-rich enhancers and has a threonine at position 38. Gene activation is represented by green “+”, and gene silencing is indicated by red “-“ circles. Acetylation = ...
Especially in a setting such as mine (preds are strong, but strong like a chimp or a bear), even a city state is enough to keep preds at bay. Ausgustus might have been the best emperor, but damn Basil II was the coolest one.If you want to talk about anything, feel free to pm,...
Tradeoffs Between Happiness and the Other Dimensions of Life in a Large Population Survey A large literature documents the determinants of happiness. But is happiness all that people want from life; and if so, what type of happiness matters to them? Or are they willing to sacrifice happiness (...