An auditory test is a type of test of a person's hearing that is used to detect hearing problems. The way that an auditory test...
What is Auditory Perception? Discussion Comments Byclaire24— On Apr 01, 2011 I'm wondering if my child has a problem with auditory discrimination. Sometimes I think she hears just fine, and sometimes I think she has trouble. Now that I think about it though, it seems like she often thin...
I have a friend who works with autistic kids, and one of the kids she was working with started auditory training a little while ago. From what my friend told me, it's been fairly helpful, even though it isn't formally recommended by any organization. ...
The word 'auditory' has been used since about 1570. It derived from the Latin word auditorius, which means 'relating to hearing.' Related words include: auditorium, audiologist, and audiovisual.Answer and Explanation: Auditory memory and sequencing refers to the ability to remember what one ...
There are several sensory organs in our bodies responsible for collecting information about the environment around us and send the information to the brain for processing. Some of these sensory organs include: the olfactory system, the visual system, the auditory system, and the skin....
2. Auditory Imagery Our next type of imagery is auditory imagery. This type of imagery appeals to a reader’s sense of hearing. Creating an auditory experience through text can be difficult. But it can also be necessary for astoryorplot. For example, the sound of war can be necessary to...
In a sense, the seeds of this objection to the reducibility of experience are already detectable in successful cases of reduction; for in discovering sound to be, in reality, a wave phenomenon in air or other media, we leave behind one viewpoint to take up another, and the auditory, human...
What is auditory processing disorder? Answer Question 0 0inHealth & FitnessReport Answer this question by Anonymous - Already have an account?Loginnow! Your Name:Your Name is required. Your Answer:Answer is required. Tagged children(7) hearing(2) kids(2)...
This is a fluid-filled sac that also vibrates when sound is heard. The basal membrane within the cochlea then passes the vibration to the auditory nerve by way of theorgan of corti. This organ is actually cells that are referred to as hair. These hairs connect directly to the auditory ...
I experience all of these things! To me, auditory imagery is completely normal. All of my friends get songs stuck in their heads from time to time, but I keep one playing in my head constantly. However, I'm very musically inclined, since I sing, play the piano by ear, and play the...