The originalattachment theoryis thought by many to have developed in the 1960s, based on the joint work of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. Both researchers were documented to have studied the relationship between parenting styles, as well as children’s earliest emotional bonds and sense of attac...
Avoidant attachment is also known as dismissive attachment. People with avoidant attachment styles often view themselves as fiercely independent, self-sufficient and in some cases as a “lone-wolf”. Unlike people with anxious attachment, people with this attachment style tend to have high self-estee...
They're a popular topic of conversation — in online spaces, especially — so you may be familiar with terms like "secure" and "insecure" attachment, or "anxious" and "avoidant" attachment. But is there real science behind attachment styles? The short answer is yes — but there are...
Behind the scenes, the options refer to the three main styles of relating to others first identified by the English psychologist John Bowlby, the inventor of Attachment Theory in the 1950s and 60s. Option Asignals what is known as asecurepattern of attachment, whereby love and trust come easi...
Behind the scenes, the options refer to the three main styles of relating to others first identified by the English psychologist John Bowlby, the inventor ofAttachment Theoryin the 1950s and 60s. Option A signals what is known as a secure pat...
To know what is your attachment style, take this quiz. Your attachment style will reflect your personality as well as your behavior with others. The attachment styles are categorized into four styles, which are the results of this quiz. You can choose the most relevant options in the quiz qu...
There are four different attachment styles that people may have in relationships, and they're often caused by childhood experiences.
Obviously, the psychology of a romantic relationship is not the same as a parent-kid relationship. But closeness and trust are a key part of love, and research indicates that, at least in some cases, the attachment styles we develop as children can directly influence our adult relationships. ...
Congrats, friend – by completing the "What's your attachment style?" quiz, you've shown your commitment to building healthy, happy relationships 🙌 Based on your responses, your attachment style is secure. So what does that actually mean? You're comfortable both on your own and with other...
What is your interpersonalattachmentstyle, and how might it affect your relationship? Based on the works of Bartholomew and Horowitz, etc., there are four adult attachment styles: Secure,Anxious-Preoccupied, Dismissive-Avoidant, and Fearful-Avoidant. Most people have various degrees of the ...