What is an ATPase? ATPase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of ATP into ADP and inorganic phosphate, releasing energy for cellular functions. 7 How does the proton gradient drive ATP Synthase? The proton gradient across a membrane creates potential energy, which ATP Synthase uses to syn...
How many subunits does the sodium potassium ATPase pump have? a. 1. b. 2. c. 3. d. 4. What type of cell has membrane-bound organelles and a nucleus? It is typically the larger of the two types of cells. By what process are most molecules secreted from the blood into t...
Houadjeto, M., Barman, T., and Travers, F. (1991) What is the true ATPase activity of contracting myofibrils? FEBS Lett. 281, 105-107Houadjeto, M.; Barman, T.; Travers, T. What is the true ATPase activity of contracting myofibrils? FEBS Len. 281:105- 107;1991....
What distinguishes photosynthesis (as done in plants) and aerobic respiration? A. One consumes CO2, the other produces CO2 B. One uses light to excite electrons, the other uses PMF C. One uses the ATPase to make ATP, the other uses only subs...
. Subsequently, glycogen depletion is linked to reduced skeletal muscle contractile function which might be a consequence of impaired sodium–potassium ATP-ase (Na + -K + -ATPase) enzyme activity (Cairns and Renaud2023; Jensen et al.2020b). In the current search, protocols that used...
Lead nephropathy: Potassium iodide protects the renal cells from lead damage by either blocking lead diffusion or binding with lead in the cells as to protect the Na + -k + -atpase. Hyperplasia of mammary glands: The small dose of potassium iodide can promote the secretion of luteinizing hormo...
It is effective on both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, although it is less effective with some Gram-negative bacteria.It has both bactericidal and bacteriostatic mechanisms of action, the mechanism of action being membrane disruption, not ATPase inactivation as previously thought.It is ...
The two components of ATPase complex of CF0 (coupling factor0) and CF1 (coupling factor1). CF0 is embedded in the thylakoid membrane where it forms a transmembrane channel that facilitates diffusion of protons across the membrane. CF1 protrudes on the outer surface of thylakoid membrane. This...
... The other set consists of the two proteins, p47 and the ATPase p97, which produce fewer but longer cisternae that are not stacked. Both of these two sets of proteins are thought to activate membrane fusion events via their action on 'SNAP receptors' (SNAREs). What is the difference...
POLQ (Pol θ), a DNA polymerase and DNA-dependent ATPase in human cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 31, 6117–6126 (2003). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Kent, T., Chandramouly, G., McDevitt, S. M., Ozdemir, A. Y. & Pomerantz, R. T. Mechanism of microhomology-mediated end...