The terms "sync" and "async" refer to two ways in which to write applications that use concurrency. The so called "sync" servers use the underlying operating system support of threads and processes to implement this concurrency. Here is a diagram of how a sync deployment might look: In thi...
Posting a Message (Non-Blocking):InvokeAsyncposts the delegate to the message queue, which is a non-blocking operation. This approach tells the UI thread to queue up the action and handle it as soon as it can, but the calling thread doesn’t wait around for it to finish. The method re...
HttpSendRequest return error : ERROR_INTERNET_SEC_CERT_REV_FAILED in case system time is forward by 1 month I am getting "error C2039: '_file': is not a member of '_iobuf'" when i tried to migrate from VS2010 to VS2015 how to resolve it? I can not turn on Cyrillic alphabet in ...
Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid. Conversion from string to type 'Date' is not valid. Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Date' is not valid. Conversion from type 'Object' to type 'String' is not valid. Conversion overflows Error when decimal is too long Con...
winsocket Async sockets console examples? WinSrv2012R2 ucrtbase.dll Exception c0000409 Write a c++ program to make a timetable of university classes? WriteFile and ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION WriteFile fails with ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION (0x1) Writing to the end of a file with CreateFile wstring to ...
The default installation is a one-box deployment, but custom deployment is allowed. Enable easy deployment/self-servicing. Retail Server and the store database are in the store, together with the Async Client service. Retail Server in the store communicates directly with Application ...
How to Kick Off Something Async from Something Sync In UI scenarios, it’s common to trigger async operations from synchronous contexts. Of course, we all know it’s best practice to avoidasync voidmethods. Why is this the case? When you useasync void, the caller has no way to await or...
The retailer can perform real-time actions from Store system when there is connectivity. A retailer can sync data from the on-premises Store system to HQ whenever there is connectivity. The retailer can sync to and from Store system when there is connectivity. A retailer can ...
select Sync Yes Element Event No None unload Sync No Window, Document, Element Event No None wheel Async Yes Element WheelEvent Yes Scroll (or zoom) the document Could someone please explain what this category means? For example: what is the difference between the Sync click event and the As...
Settings Sync, for sharing configurations such as settings, keybindings, and installed extensions across machines, is now available for preview in the stable release. Extensions view filter actions now are displayed under a separate filter action (funnel button). The Git View and More Actions (…...