Q What is an asymptomatic covid-19 infection? A Positive nucleic acid test+absence of fever,cough,sore throat,debilitation,hypogeusia,and other symptoms+lung CT scan also no pneumonia manifestations=asymptomatic infection. ...
The patient can still transmit the virus to other people during this stage and this is the most common way that HIV spreads. Often people in the asymptomatic latency stage lead a completely normal life without even being aware that they are carrying the infection. During this period, if the ...
如今随着越来越多相关研究数据的公布,也令人期待其今后能为HIV感染者带来更多获益。参考文献: [1]Jain V, Hartogensis W, Bacchetti P, et al. Antiretroviral therapy initiated within 6 months of HIV infection is associated with lower T-cell activation and smaller HIV reservoir size. J Infect Dis. ...
What is a virus that infects bacteria called? What are some human diseases caused by bacteria and what are their respective modes of transmission? What is a latent (asymptomatic) viral infection? What is an emerging disease? What are some of the sources for these "new" infectious diseases?
Infection is a disease that can be transmitted from one person to another by any means. It can be spread through the air or water or through direct contact with an infected person; it can be transferred from an infected animal to a person....
Clinical latency. It is also called HIV inactivity or dormancy, chronic or asymptomatic HIV infection. During this stage, reproduction is very slow. The virus also does not cause any strange or severe symptoms. The infection can stay in this stage for years or develop faster depending on the ...
It remains unclear whether nonoxynol-9, the active ingredient in most US spermicides, prevents or facilitates HIV infection. STD infection is often asymptomatic in women. An individual who suspects being infected with HIV should seek attention by a health care provider. 展开 ...
An important challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic has been to understand asymptomatic disease and the extent to which this may be a source of transmission. As asymptomatic disease is by definition hard to screen for, there is a lack of clarity about th
Can you get tested to see if you are asymptomatic? Diagnostictesting is intended to identify current infection in individuals and is performed when a person has signs or symptoms consistent with COVID-19, or is asymptomatic, but has recent known or suspected exposure to SARS-CoV-2. ...
What is a latent (asymptomatic) viral infection? How would diseases today be spread worldwide to establish an outbreak? What term is used to describe an unknown disease that appears in a population for the first time or a well-known disease that suddenly becomes harder to control? What are ...