How a Green Card Works Individuals can be eligible for a green card through family, work, refugee, asylee status, or a variety of special programs.1These include the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program, which makes up to 55,000 visas available each year through alottery systemtargeted at underrepr...
You should also be aware that if something happens and you die after you become an asylee, your family will still have asylum if they live in the U.S. They must live in the U.S. at the time of your death, and keep living there when submitting the application for adjustment of statu...
Being on L1B Status A person may be admitted in L1B status for an initial period of up to three years. However, if the L1B specialized knowledge intracompany transferee is admitted to work in a “new office,” the initial period of admission may not exceed one year. An L1B intrac...