What is the meaning of Mangal in biodata? A person born under the influence of Mars(Mangala) as per Hindu astrology is said to have "mangala dosha" ("mars defect"); such a person is called a Mangalik (or Manglik). ... Mangal Pandey: The Rising 2005 with English Subtitles | 720p ...
and that tells us that progress is, in fact, possible. And yet, the report will also show, with its data and evidence, that this progress has been too slow, too fragile, too uneven, and most importantly, that this progress is not guaranteed.” She continued, “The world is, in fact...
Uttal, witnessing her struggle, offered her a tool that he thought would help her deal with depression—a practice calledjapa, in which a mantra is repeated, silently or out loud, as the practitioner moves a string of beads (or mala) through their fingers. The mantra Uttal ...
Why is Hinduism Referred as Sanatana Dharma? The terms ‘Hindu/Hinduism’ are not self-referential terms that the practitioners of the Vedic world-view chose for themselves or called themselves. One will not find the term “Hindu” used to describe the Vedic religion in the Vedas, the Upanish...
And while India embraces the practice of marrying for love and romance among two people, the most common practice is for the families to find mates for their children in an arranged marriage based on caste, religious beliefs, and astrology. Once a bride and groom are promised...
It is called a stone, not because it is like a stone, but only because by virtue of its fixed nature, it resists the action of fire as successfully as any stone….If we say that its nature is spiritual, it would be no more than the truth; if we described it as corporeal, the ex...