What does asexual mean? Here’s the definition and explanation of what asexual means, and what it’s like to be asexual.
Asexual is a term that represents people who have limited or no sexual feelings or desires. A member of the Asexuality Visibility and Education Network (AVEN) created the asexual pride flag in 2010 as part of a contest. From top to bottom, the stripes and their meanings are: Black:Asexual...
Fungi (for example, mushrooms) produce spores, which may be asexual or sexual. The asexual spores have the genetic material inside, which allows them to make a whole new organism identical to its parent. What is sexual reproduction?Sexual reproduction is a way of reproduction of some animals ...
What is this site? This is a site for people who are interested in asexuality. This is a site for people who are asexual. This is a site for people who have never heard of asexuality. This is a site for you. On it, you will find information about asexuality and the ace spectrum...
Well, slurp this up: our community is as diverse as that hearty minestrone! Some think it’s as easy as ABC to define someone's sexual orientation, but in reality, it's more complex than grandma's recipes. There are gay, lesbian, bisexual, heterosexual, asexual, and questioning folks, ...
Asexuality is not a gender identity. (Although there may be trans, non-binary, or genderqueer aces.) Asexuality is not a disorder. (Although there may be aces with physical or mental conditions.) Asexuality is not a choice. (Although not every ace is “born that way”.) ...
June is #Pridemonth. This is the most colorful month of the year since the LGBTQ+ pride is celebrated. The RAINBOW flag is used widely but it is not the only flag that people in the community connect with. Did you know that there are more than 20 differe
What It Means to Be Asexual Asexuality is a broad term to describe a lack of sexual attraction to others, or a low interest in sexual activity. Some people consider asexuality to be their sexual orientation. Others prefer to describe asexuality as an absence of sexual orientation. ...
Here’s everything to know about the sexual orientation abrosexual: from what it means, what the abrosexual flag is, and more
One community that has received notoriously little recognition is those who identify as asexual and/or aromantic. Many people who are not asexual or aromantic have little knowledge of what it means to identify as such. Asexuality and aromanticism are actually rather fluid, much like all ...