Hedge accounting is used in corporate bookkeeping as it relates toderivatives. Derivatives are used tooffset the risksassociated with a security investment. Hedge accounting combines them as a single item, which reduces the appearance of volatility compared to reporting each individually. Hedge accountin...
ASC 815 defines a narrow scope of eligible hedged risks and items, while IFRS allows for more flexibility in designing risk components as eligible hedged items, especially for non-financial items. IFRS 9 is also more flexible on the documentation front, emphasizing alignment with risk management ...
Hi everyone,I feel like i'm trying to achieve the simplest things but banging my head against the wall, I'm almost too embarrassed to ask!I'm looking to...
A fixed-rate loan is always the best insurance that your interest rate will be locked in for the life of the loan, regardless of the movement in stock prices or interest rates. Although variable-rate loans, which can be structured to allow interest to fluctuate based on several factors, app...
Google BigQuery is a serverless, highly scalable data warehouse that comes with a built-in query engine.The query engine is capable of running SQL queries on terabytes of data in a matter of seconds, and petabytes in only minutes. You get this performance without having to manage any infrastru...
Here it is anyway, you can set the bar name to one of the test bars: Code: function() -- === CONFIG SETTINGS BEGIN === -- barName: Exact bar name used by Big Wigs local barName = "Barkskin"; local config = WeakAuras.CustomValues and WeakAuras.CustomValues.BWTimers and WeakAuras...
What I wander is, if it is possible to set the KIND=8 or 16 at the time of computation, as a part of the input data? I made test with REAL (KIND=NOTSET) retset error #6683: A kind type parameter must be a compile-time constant. [NOTSET] I think this indicates that the KI...
If you want more you will need Skype for Business Broadcast it goes up to 10,000 attendees. More info herehttps://support.office.com/en-us/article/What-is-a-Skype-Meeting-Broadcast-c472c76b-21f1-4e4b-ab58-329a6c33757d Hi Raj, ...
"Here is my secret. It is very simple: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.."- Antoine de Saint Exupéry
This topic is locked 8 replies to this topic #1 CivilAU34 Members 9 posts OFFLINE Local time:08:21 PM Posted 01 July 2010 - 12:56 PM I am having several computer issues; the google redirect virus and evertime my computer reboots, it reverts to Windows NT as the theme. I have...