Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral once popular for its heat resistance. Learn about its dangers, appearance and common uses.
Serpentine asbestos is themost common form of asbestos used industrially. Chrysotile asbestos is the only type that belongs to this group. It hascurly and layered fibers. Did You Know? As much as 95% of asbestos used in buildings in the U.S. is chrysotile asbestos, according to Penn Medi...
However, it has been known for many decades that inhaling airborne asbestos fibers can cause devastating diseases, includingmesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer. Although almost all uses of asbestos have been discontinued, it remains legal in the U.S. for more than a dozen uses. Were you ...
and fireplaces are just some of the spots where asbestos might be present in these older residential structures. If the products are intact or sealed, there is little reason to worry. It is when asbestos is disturbed in any way that microscopic fibers can be inhaled, possibly causing fatal di...
Our asbestos lawyers have successfully prosecuted cases for clients who were exposed throughout the United States, Canada, and even the Middle East including Iran, where many American citizens worked in refineries.Asbestos facts - What is Asbestos? Asbestos illness: risk profile About mesothelioma ...
In review of attempts to define exactly what asbestos is, there is a recurring theme of responses that form a finite spectrum. The first color of that spectrum is usually brevity, i.e., a best attempt at the most succinct verbiage that encapsulates the noun. The second color is often ...
Asbestosis is a lung disease caused by inhalingasbestos. The fibers get trapped in the lungs and can’t be removed by the body. After 10-50 years, scarring of lung tissue caused by asbestos makes breathing difficult. Asbestosis is not a cancer likemesothelioma, but it’s still very danger...
What is Asbestos? Asbestos is a material made of silicate mineral that is found in nature and shown to be composed of thin, flexible, fibers when viewed under a microscope. The properties of asbestos include resistance to fire and chemical corrosion. A durable material, the properties of asbest...
There is no cure for asbestosis at this time. The disease tends to progress with age and the condition rarely improves or goes away. Respiratory treatments can be used to remove buildups in the lungs. Humidifiers are also found to be helpful for easing coughs and other discomfort. ...
Becauseasbestosisamineral,asbestosfibersarerelativelystableinthe environment.Asbestosfibersdonotevaporateintoair.Asbestoscontaining materialthatcanbecrushedintoapowderistermed“friableasbestos.”When asbestoscontainingmaterialsbecomefriable,thereischancethatasbestos fiberscanbecomesuspendedinair.Itisundertheseconditionsthatai...