翻译结果: 'what is' 的意思是“什么是”。 应用场景: 这个短语常用于提问,询问某个事物、概念或现象的定义或解释。在学术、教育或日常交流中,当想要了解一个新词汇、概念或想了解某个特定事物的定义时,可以使用 'what is' 进行提问。 造句例句: 中文:什么是人工智能? 英文:What is artificial intelligence? ...
AI 是 Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)的缩写,意思是指能够像人类一样思考和学习的机器。你有没有用过手机跟机器人对话,比如 Siri ?那就是 AI!它在很多方面帮助我们。 AI 能做很多令人惊奇的事情。它可以翻译语言、驾驶汽车,甚至玩国际象棋这样的游戏。科学家每...
解析:这道题的关键在于对artificial intelligence(人工智能)的理解上。按照现在的常识,机器语言理解和推理其实就是人工智能很重要的一部分。因此判断答案为TRUE 第19题答案:NOT GIVEN 对应原文:第3段:A comedian will present a situation followed by an unexpected interpretation that is also apt. 解析:根据comedian...
11. What are the implications of artificial intelligence? 人工智能的影响是什么? how和what引导的感叹句-what的感叹句 how 和 what 引导的感慨句之五兆芳芳创作 底子区别在于两者强调的成分不合 在 what 引导的感慨句中,它是作为定语使用的,也就是说 它修饰的是名词. 而在 how 引导的感慨句中,它相当于是...
together with interwinding conventional and non-conventional security issues such as regional conflicts, arms races, food security, terrorism, cyber-attacks, climate change, energy crises, major infectious diseases, and artificial intelligence problems, poses a grave threat to the beautiful planet on whi...
A new app uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to tell you what your pet is thinking. It's called Happy Pets and it analyses an animal's facial features, tells you what breed (血统) it is and indicates which of the five most common animal emotions — happy, angry, neutral, sad and scare...
直接翻译,是不是有点干巴巴的? 咱们可以这样表达: How quickly artificial intelligence is developing is astonishing. (人工智能发展得有多快,令人震惊。) 这里,“人工智能发展得有多快”这个疑问句,居然也能当主语!是不是感觉英语的表达方式,比咱们想象的还要灵活多变? 再来看一个更复杂的例子。 咱们来说说...
What is being called artificial general intelligence, machines that would imitate the way humans think, continues to evade scientists.(2019英语一text3) 翻译: 所谓的通用人工智能,即模仿人类思维方式的机器,对科学家们仍然是一个难题。 📢注意:“对科学家们仍然是一个难...
A.Social interaction is key to understanding symbols.B.The human brain has potential yet to be developed.C.Ancient philosophers set good examples for debaters.D.Artificial intelligence ensures humans a bright future.原文翻译:现在,机器不仅能在国际象棋中打败你,还能在辩论中胜过你。上周,在旧金山的...
1 What is intelligence anyway?If life is about survival of a species — and intelligence is meant to serve that survival — then we can't compare with pea-brained sea turtles,which were here long before us and survived the disaster that wiped out the dinosaurs.Still,it is comforting to re...