A DevOps artifact is a versioned output that includes compiled code, libraries, and configuration files. Know the role of Artifacts in automating the software delivery pipeline.
DevOps 101: Introduction to Package Management Watch on demand JFrog’s Artifactoryis a universal artifact repository manager that supports allmajor package formats(20+ languages including Go and Helm). It’s also integrated with allmajor build toolsandCI serverscurrently available. There arethreetype...
Artifactory is a universal DevOps solution for hosting, managing, and distributing binaries and artifacts. Any type of software in binary form – such as application installers, container images, libraries, configuration files, etc. – can be curated, secured, stored, and delivered using Artifactory...
How Is the Term “Repository” Used in IT? In IT, the term "repository" refers to a central location where data, software code,configuration files, and other digital resources are stored, organized, and managed. It is widely used in software development and IT operations to facilitate version...
Upload the packages to remote repos (Artifactory, Nexus) Packaging the outcomes into WAR’s, JAR’s, RPM’s, etc. Using Maven you can add jars & other dependencies of the project effortlessly. Maven gives project information (dependency list, unit test reports, log document, etc.) Using Mav...
Patrick Debois, a software development consultant, is credited withcreating the termDevOpsin 2009by naming a conference DevOps Days. DevOps addressed a shortcoming of the Agile software development methodology: Iterative, rapid code development didn't necessarily lead to iterative, rapid code deployment...
DevOps is a philosophy that consolidates development teams and IT operations in order to facilitate a collaborative effort throughout the software development lifecycle. DevOps helps organizations maximize productivity and performance while reducing the time from design to deployment. ...
A DevOps pipeline is a set of practices that development and operations teams use to build, test, and deploy software more efficiently.
Sample tools include Docker, Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Gradle, Maven, or JFrog Artifactory. Test. This phase involves continuous testing (manual or automated) to ensure optimal code quality. Sample tools include JUnit, Codeception, Selenium, Vagrant, TestNG, or BlazeMeter. Deploy. This phase can ...
November 18PreviewJFrog Artifactory container registry support by Defender for Containers November 18GAAI security posture management is now generally available (GA) November 18GACritical assets protection in Microsoft Defender for Cloud November 18GAEnhanced critical asset protection for containers ...