The “supreme law of the land” is noted in the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, which is found in Article VI, Clause 2. It means that federal law overrides individual state’s laws if a conflict in statute occurs. It also requires state judges to uphold federal law over state law ...
What is the primary purpose of the Supremacy Clause?Supremacy Clause:The Supremacy Clause is contained in Article VI, section 1, clause 2 of the United States Constitution. It was included in the Constitution when that document was first ratified on June 21, 1788.Answer and Explanation: ...
Which is outlined in Article V of the Constitution? What article of the Constitution talks about the concept of federalism? What article states that the Constitution shall be supreme law? What article of the Constitution has the Elastic Clause? What is Article VI of the Constitution? What is ...
come on shes so perfe come on this is new y come on all rightyou come out at dusk to f come out for a walk i come out of his house come see oh come to beggary come to die come to light come to me when you g come to receive vote come together as one come under review come...
What is reasonable time depends on the nature of the [...] 何謂合理時間 要視乎所涉貨品 或服務的性質及個別情況的實情而定,例如即使沒有指明交付時間,一件聖誕禮 品在過了聖誕節後才交付消費者便屬於合理時間之外。 [...] still has no effective ...
Noun phrase: Do you know what a noun phrase is? Check out the article to learn the meaning, definition, components and usage of a noun phrase. Go through the examples and try out the practice questions for a deeper understanding of the same.
The supremacy clause is a great thing, however it is also why so many risks are present any time a piece of questionable legislation is brought to the federal legislature. Once something has been passed at the national level, it is very hard to dispute, and it can very rarely be altered...
t.) A word, phrase, or clause toward which an action is directed, or is considered to be directed; as, the object of a transitive verb. Object (a.) Opposed; presented in opposition; also, exposed. Objectable (a.) Such as can be presented in opposition; that may be put forward as...
Under Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution—theSupremacy Clause—state legislative redistricting plans must comply with federal civil rights laws and not discriminate based on race, color, or membership in aprotected minority group. ...
Exclamatory Sentence: What a big house this is! Now, try doing the same with the sentences given below. 1. It was very strange. 2. I love you. 3. You have made a big mess. 4. The baby is so adorable. 5. I miss college. ...