You may have build-up in the arteries of your heart. This is called coronary artery disease. You may also have it in the ones that go to your kidneys. This is known as renal artery disease. This can also happen in the carotid arteries, which carry blood to the brain, leading to a ...
Coronary artery disease is the most common form of heart disease in the U.S. If you've been diagnosed with the condition, your doctor will help you find the treatment plan that's right for you. Coronary artery disease can lead to serious complications, including heart attack and arrhythmia,...
The culprit behind coronary artery disease is nearly alwaysatherosclerosis. That mouthful of a name describes a process in whichplaquebuilds up over time on the walls of one or more of your heart’s arteries. Plaque is a mixture of cholesterol, fat, calcium, and fibrin (a substance that help...
Let’s learn about peripheral artery disease. Peripheral artery disease, also referred to as PAD, is a condition that involves the narrowing or blocking of the arteries. As for arteries, those are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body, including t...
Coronary artery disease affects millions and millions of people around the world, and it is the most common type of heart disease. Coronary artery disease refers to the accumulation of fatty plaque in the blood vessels of the heart. This plaque can block blood flow to the heart and ...
What is coronary artery disease (CAD)?CAD, or heart disease, occurs when arteries that supply blood to your heart become narrow or blocked. CAD is caused by plaque (cholesterol, fat, and other substances) that builds up in your arteries. Oxygen cannot get to your heart when your arteries ...
What is coronary artery disease (CAD)?CAD is narrowing of the arteries to your heart caused by a buildup of plaque (cholesterol and other substances). The narrowing in your arteries decreases the amount of blood that can flow to your heart. This causes your heart to get less oxygen, ...
Arrhythmia is a disorder of the heart's normal beating rhythm, while atherosclerosis is a condition that can reduce blood flow through the artery.S.C.EBSCO_AspWomans Day
Leg pain when exercising might indicate peripheral arterial disease. Sudden weakness or dizziness could be caused by an obstruction in the carotid artery in the neck, which produces stroke-like symptoms. Chest pain or symptoms of a heart attack might indicate obstruction of the coronary arteries. ...
Blockage in an artery can eventually cause a heart attack or stroke. Dying Muscle What causes a blocked artery? The blockage is usually caused by a build-up of fatty deposits called plaque. Plaque is made primarily of cholesterol The blood vessel walls thicken and harden This can make the pa...