Aceflux/aroflux, meaningsomeone whose capacity for sexual or romantic attraction changes over time. What are the 72 genders? The following are some gender identities and their definitions. Agender. A person who is agender does not identify with any particular gender, or they may have no gender...
you're making a conscious choice to not have sex, even though you may be sexually attracted to others. For instance, you might choose to remain celibate because of your religious or personal beliefs. On the other hand, asexuality is an orientation, like being bisexual. If you identify as ...
But at the same time, there is a ton of overlap between the aro and ace communities, not only due to the number of aroaces out there, but because of shared history and experiences. I think it's important to acknowledge that overlap, and to be allies to each other, so the aspec com...
AcefluxandAroflux: Someone who uses one of these terms identifies as fluctuating between being asexual and sexual and/or being aromantic and romantic. Some common yet harmful misconceptions Unfortunately, due to the lack of authentic representation of identities on the asexual spectrum in media, ther...
it wont be. There isn't a clear line and so you just have to be honest that certain things feel better sometimes and others don't. Some days i'm just feeling extremely aro ace and all my actions will be with a completely platonic intent without any romance att...
A person can identify as demiromantic and asexual and still be labeled aroace, just as an aroflux demisexual individual could be. There are many ways in which a person can be aroace—what matters most is choosing a label that makes the most sense to you.[5] Wondering if you could be...