He hurt his arm in the accident. I cut myself when cooking. 【链接】用来询问疾病、不适或突发情况时,还可用以下句型: What’s the trouble (with ...)? What happened (to ...)? Is there anything wrong (with ...)? 【运用】根据括号内的要求完成下列各题。 (1)—___ ___? —My brothe...
School is over .如果学生不理解可联系Class is over.来帮助学生理解。待时针拨到5点或其他实际放学时间后,教师问:School is over . What do you do ?学生回答Go home.教师说:But Wu Yifan and John don’t go home .What are they doing ?Let’s watch TV.由此导入新课。 (2)看与听学生看Let’s t...
Return your arm to the starting position. Shoulder rotation: Raise both shoulders up toward your ears, as if you were trying to shrug. Lower them to the starting position, and relax your shoulders. Pull your shoulders back. Then relax them again. Roll your shoulders in a smooth circle. ...
引导学生说出:It’s 4:35.school is over.教师接着问:School is over .Where do you go ? 学生回答:We go home .教师由此导入句型It’s time togo home . (3)教师借助图片和听听做做活动教授其它几个动词词组,如:教师发指令:It’s time to get up.请学生做起床、穿衣服的动作;教师说It’s time to...
where is a sequence going to infinity; these are -approximate groups for all . Let be the subset Then the (reduced) Kronecker factor can be taken to be with Lebesgue measure , and the additive limits of the and are then and , where is the square and is the circle Geometrically, ...
You may want to use a paper calendar so you can cross off days or circle important events. A medicine organizer can help you remember to take your medicine each day. Organizers can also blink or sound an alarm when it is time to take the medicine. Someone may need to help you program...
Upper arm Breast (Male and female) Vaser Liposuction In the Vaser liposuction system, some fluid is first sent into the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Ultrasound energy is given to the environment where this liquid is given with a special device. In this way, this ultrasound energy is spread betw...
Playing frisbee can practice arm strength and dodge ability.Playing frisbee can sweat and make sick people have a cold quickly.Many people often say:"more exercise will increase immunity" and "more exercise,sweating,colds are faster and better",which is the truth!
2c Read the statements and circle True, False or Don’t Know. 35 It happened in Utah, America. His arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. He used his knife to cut off half his right arm. 2d Read the passage agai...
TH: Was the morning circle just for the primary students or all students? IL: Both. In the primary school, the students would meet with their homeroom teacher. At the lower secondary school, the students had different subject teachers, but we still have the class teacher system in Estonia...