Arduino is All-Rounder! The simple and accessible interface is a big plus. The software is easy-to-use for beginners with enough flexibility for advanced users where operating systems are not a barrier. Since the cost is low, tinkerers use it to build low-cost scientific instruments, to pro...
If tag # 1,2,3,... detected, pass the tag id to the main Zigbee controller (my HA brain that controlls all my automation). Than based on some automations will return to the ESP32-h2 a response and based on that response do task # 1,2,3,... ### ### Q: 2### After Q1 ...
The esp_http_client_config_t has a buffer_size attribute (that defaults to DEFAULT_HTTP_BUF_SIZE = 512). Larger responses lead to multiple HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA. I thought there was only one HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA for non-chunked HTTP requests, which is not the case.MicroController...
The esp_http_client_config_t has a buffer_size attribute (that defaults to DEFAULT_HTTP_BUF_SIZE = 512). Larger responses lead to multiple HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA. I thought there was only one HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA for non-chunked HTTP requests, which is not the case.MicroController...
With its standard SCCB interface, the module can be easily integrated with various microcontrollers, including Arduino and ESP32, to provide a seamless user experience. The SCCB interface also allows for full control over image quality, data format, and transmission method, giving you the ...
The esp_http_client_config_t has a buffer_size attribute (that defaults to DEFAULT_HTTP_BUF_SIZE = 512). Larger responses lead to multiple HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA. I thought there was only one HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA for non-chunked HTTP requests, which is not the case.MicroController...
The esp_http_client_config_t has a buffer_size attribute (that defaults to DEFAULT_HTTP_BUF_SIZE = 512). Larger responses lead to multiple HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA. I thought there was only one HTTP_EVENT_ON_DATA for non-chunked HTTP requests, which is not the case.MicroController...
当我使用 ST7789_DRIVER 并改变引脚以适应空芯 esp32c3 时,我遇到了与您类似的问题。 `#include <Arduino.h> #include "TFT_eSPI.h" #include <SPI.h> // 定义 LED 所接的引脚 const int ledPin = 13; TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI(); // 初始化TFT_eSPI对象 void setup() { // 初始化数字引...
Kullanılmıyor: C:\Users\merme\Documents\ArduinoData\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.3\libraries\SPI exit status 1 unknown type name 'lv_obj_t' This report would have more information with "Show verbose output during compilation" ...
Embedded devices come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, starting from “embedded supercomputer” Nvidia Jetson Xavier AGX to the tiniest of microcontrollers, for example ESP32 or Cortex M0. Why embedded ML on microcontrollers is put in a special category and even given its own cool name?