ERP software for the construction industry can be used to plan, monitor and control projects from beginning to end, with visibility over scope, schedule, logistics, resources, budget, quality, and progress. Distribution ERP can automate processes for the distribution industry, with real-time views ...
Mandatory consultation:You can’t refuse an employee’s request for flexible working unless you first consult with them. What it means is that you need to have a meeting with your employee to explain why they won’t have their request accepted. Number of requests per year:Before the Act, t...
The Oracle logo in Engage, Profiler, and Sales Tools for Google Chrome is now black to match the rest of the Eloqua user interface. It was previously red. Engage The sent email history page has a new look and feel. The New button has been renamed to Compose. The email subject is abo...
As of July 1, 2016, Oracle Eloqua has introduced a new retention policy on marketing activities that will allow Campaign, Email, Form and Website Activity data to be stored for at least 25 months past the activity date. This policy is being put in place to help us continue to meet the...