who or what is your adversary in your life? 03:48 #77天演讲转身挑战day 12: what would your 70-year old-self tell to yourself now? 03:12 #77天演讲转身挑战day 11: “to see the world in a grain of sand 02:42 #77天演讲转身挑战day 10: how to answer unexpected questions from your ...
An essay is presented on the effects of climate change and the need for a set of ethics to correspond with the changes scarcity of resources will bring. The author refers to books such as "The End of Nature," by Bill McKibben, "Preparing for Climate Change," by Michael D. Mastr...
Apocalypse Now (1979) Directed by Francis Coppola Edited by Walter Murch 导演主导或事先设计的剪辑,可以主要分为:主观剪辑和客观剪辑。 在主观剪辑中,剪辑手法主导了影片叙述,为观影者制造了某种电影作者特定的气氛或指向性明显的引导方向。在客观剪辑中,主要分为“被”叙事主导的完全客观剪辑,和被演员表演主导的...
3. What Daniel Tells Us about the Apocalypse “And from the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days…But as for you, Daniel, go your way to the end; then you will enter into rest and rise again for your all...
Because in the aftermath of the apocalypse, there will be decaying corpses strewn about the streets. Oh, yeah. It’s gonna stink. But they’ll also attract animal scavengers and infectious bacteria that could harm or ...
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Hi everyone, It's been over two years since we last posted any formal updates to AR, so I wanted to just post and assure you all that development is back up and running and better than it has ever been. For the past two years, we were wholly distracted b
Usborne, David
The Machines is first and foremost a genuinely wonderful family adventure comedy that is sure to quickly become an all-time favorite, but having a queer teen girl act as the film's protagonist is just the robot apocalypse defeating cherry on top. Katie Mitchell is unapologetically queer, but ...
Finally, here are som special mentions: “Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland,”“Eyes Wide Shut” (the author of this article has coincidentally argued“Eyes Wide Shut” is a Christmas movie), “Jesus Camp,” and “Apocalypse Now.”...