Almost every season in Apex Legends these days seems to bring a new twist to the ranked system, and the ranked distribution has changed accordingly.Recommended VideosThe game is always seeking to hit that perfect bell curve from Bronze all the way up to Master, but that can be a difficult ...
KP is short for Kill Points and is something that you’ll see a lot of in Apex Legends. These are put towards earning RP (Rank Points), which in turn allow you to increase your rank. You earn KP by scoring kills or assisted kills, as you’d expect. Each KP you earn is equal to...
It might be worth it though, for the high-rank end of season rewards. What are the Apex Legends Mobile rank rewards?The rank rewards for the current season of Apex Legends Mobile are below. There will be new prizes for each season, so be sure to bookmark this page for the freshest ...
The best reticle color in Apex Legends is subjective for each player. For example, we find a bright color that contrasts with most of the maps works well for us, such as pink or yellow. Other players might need red or blue due to the way their vision works. A good way to work out ...
Apex Legends has a diverse cast of characters, but which one should you pick based off your MBTI? Lifeline? Mirage? Find out here!
Skins designed by Post Malone in the Apex Legends x Post Malone event. The first major event of the Apex Legends Season 19: Ignite is coming with the Apex Legends x Post Malone crossover event. Post Malone has been a vocal and long-time fan of Apex Legends, so this type of teammate ...
In Apex Legends, the term ordnance refers to any explosive weapon or item which you can throw, launch, or else call in remotely. Some ordnance can be found in Supply Bins, Loot Ticks, and just randomly lying around in the kinds of places you usually find loot in Apex Legends. The two...
Apex Legendsis the latest game to target the battle royale genre. Developed by theTitanfallteam over at EA games, Respawn, it’s currently available on PC via the Origin store. It’s entirely free to play, similar to other battle royale games likeFortnite,offering paid cosmetics for players...
Apex Legends season 2: Heavy is the Iron Crown's not-so-microtransactions (Image credit: Respawn Entertainment) With great skins comes great responsibility, and Respawn quickly found that giving the people what they want doesn't mean charging them $18 for legendary cosmetics. Season 2: Battle...