One thing this medication does not do is act as an anti-inflammatory. It is thus different from aspirin or from non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), likeibuprofenornaproxensodium. NSAIDS may be preferred when people have injuries that include swelling. Both also have antipyretic effects a...
Anybody with liver problems, or heavy alcohol drinkers should be very careful about taking this medication because of acetaminophen's toxicity to the liver. Very often a medication might have the abbreviated version of this ingredient listed, APAP. If that is the case you know that acetaminophen...
Only 47% knew that ibuprofen was Motrin's ingredient.According to their findings, only 41% of people seem to bother reading the label to find out what ingredients their OTC painkilling medication has.The authors explained that when a person is in pain, their number one focus is on pain ...