For instance, a driver's education course was piloted this year atCañon City High School, a public school in rural Colorado that previously did not offer driver's ed. The course can be taken anytime between a student's sophomore and senior year. But space is limited – students who qua...
What Is AP? The AP Program offers college-level courses and exams that you can take in high school. 1,Earn College Credit and Placement Your AP score could earn you college credits before you even...
AP is short for the Advanced Placement Program offered by the College Board. It is a course of study designed to prepare high school students for college.
Higley Unified School Districtin Arizona offers a variety of AP and honors courses, STEM courses, and career and technical education, and the district is partnered with three universities in the state. Birmingham Community Charter High Schoolin California has a medical lab and a...
Take the honors class if you are interested in a subject and your school does not have an AP version of it. It’s better to take honors than standard level and demonstrate that you are willing to challenge yourself. You should alsotake the honors class if it is taught by an amazing tea...
When you realize that you can get much better grades in lower level courses, you'll really be tempted not to take a particularly challenging course load in favor of getting straight A's. But actually, this is a mistake.If you are getting straight A's in standard-level classes, to colleg...
A good GPA is not always a black and white representation of your high school experience. Here we break down what’s behind that 4-point scale.
AP classes are impressive on a high school transcript. They indicate that the student is ambitious and challenging themselves in their studies. No college admissions counselor will be impressed with a high GPA inflated with “easy” courses. Taking rigorous courses and scoring well on them is far...
High school financial education courses in the United States.: What is the importance of setting state policies?doi:10.1017/flw.2024.1Luedtke, Allison OldhamUrban, CarlyJournal of Financial Literacy & Wellbeing
14.-After we enter the high school,we will have the courses about life management.We can choose what we like.I wonder ___. -Physics.I want to study science in the future.( ) A.what choosing courses is for B.what courses you want to take ...