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Everything you need to know about Zionism, the history of "Israel" and how to support the Palestinian movement
when there is ample and easily obtained empirical evidence of their Talmud-inspired hatred of Gentiles and Christians, and yet they are never called on the carpet to answer to the charges of anti-Gentilism. Why is it always assumed that the hatred flows one way, and that...
how is zionism connected to banking? Bybigmetal— On Feb 04, 2008 read The Chosen by Chaim Potok for a good illustration of the tension between the zionists and anti-zionists. it's a great starting point for and against the establishment of Israel. ...
Can we still call it “Zionism”? Reem Banna – in her own words on Assad Welcome Mustafa! We know who hurt you! Covid in Italy, the never-ending State of Emergency and the “othering” of dissent Moni Ovadia’s attack: “Israel’s policy is nefarious, it exploits the Shoah” ...
What are the origins of Zionism? What did the African National Congress do to help end Apartheid? What were the causes of the 1992 LA riots? What role did the National African Congress play in Apartheid? What caused the split in the Bantu migration?
For them it does not matter than 50 years before modern Zionism, Jews of the region were begging the French and British for protection from Islamic persecution. Nor is it relevant that anti-Jewish laws were set in place throughout the area. The revisionists just airbrushed all this out of...
What we see today, the problem of Zionism against the Arab, Islamic World, and the Third World. Zionism also has its roots in America. It is different from anti-Semitism. If you ask me how to solve this, I believe that you can still use some of the ideas from Bandung. AA: Did it...
Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult Jesus Would be Labeled as “Antisemitic” Today Because He Attacked the Jews and Warned His Followers About Their Evil Ways Insider Exposes Freemasonry as the World’s Oldest Secret Religion and the Luciferian Plans for The New World Order ...
21 The symbol embodies the contradictory existence of the diasporic Jew as Israel’s Other: it proudly represents Judaism and Zionism, but is stained with derogatory anti-Semitic connotations from when it was used to identify Jews in the Holocaust (Yellow Badge), which are further stressed in ...