subject learns that a Particular behavior is associated with a particular consequence. Hebb's Cell Assembly Neurons that fire together, wire together! Amnesia memory loss Anterograde amnesia memory loss of events after the surgery/trauma Retrograde amnesia memory loss of events before the surgery/trauma...
Describe how each organ is affected by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Adrenal Medulla Bladder Blood Vessels Describe the difference between anterograde and retrograde amnesia. What parts of the brain seem to be responsible for each...
Neu- rotrophins, including BDNF, GDNF and NT-3, are known to be shuttled anterogradely in RGC axons[134]. During ischemia, it is possible that the drop in oxygen supplied to neurons can result in a lack of ATP, which can induce a loss of the cell's ability to maintain its axonal...
In the first one, the anterograde pathway, the virus enters the CNS via axonal transport by infected epithelial cells in the PNS, from where it can permeate the blood–brain barrier and enter the CNS [100]. The other pathway is called the retrograde one. Here, the virus uses neuronal ...