//@电影传送门 :【B】O【反派的七种类型及运作机制 \ What is an An... @电影传送门 #视频论文#【反派的七种类型及运作机制 \ What is an Antagonist — 7 Types and How They Work】 英语中反派单词antagonist来自希腊语antagonisties, 意思是反对者、恶棍或对手。根据约翰·约克的定义,反派是阻止主角...
//@电影传送门:【B】O【反派的七种类型及运作机制 \ What is an An... @电影传送门 #视频论文#【反派的七种类型及运作机制 \ What is an Antagonist — 7 Types and How They Work】 英语中反派单词antagonist来自希腊语antagonisties, 意思是反对者、恶棍或对手。根据约翰·约克的定义,反派是阻止主角实...
What is an “antagonist”? A. The hero B. The villain C. The friend D. The teacher 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 B。“antagonist”在文学作品中是“反面人物”,也就是“villain”(坏人)。A 选项“the hero”是英雄;C 选项“the friend”是朋友;D 选项“the teacher”是老师。反馈 收藏 ...
C. The person who opposes the protagonist. D. The narrator of the story. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 C。选项 A“main character”是主人公;选项 B“supporting character”是配角;选项 C“antagonist”是与主人公对立的人;选项 D“narrator”是叙述者。所以选 C。 反馈 收藏 ...
An agonist is a chemical or chemical reaction that helps bind and alter the function of activity of a type of receptor. It's the...
It becomes a bit more tricky to diagnose the antagonist when the protagonist is an anti-hero. Many would argue that some internal part of the anti-hero is the antagonist in and of itself. However, that’s not always true. Most protagonists have atragic flaw; something that ultimately leads...
antagonist activity, and its judge in the tribunal of truth. It is a place where inquiry is pushed forward, and discoveries verified and perfected, and rashness rendered innocuous, and error exposed, by the collision of mind with mind, and knowledg...
An antagonist can be anything opposing the protagonist: another character, the status quo, forces of nature, or even the protagonist themself. In a work of fiction, the antagonist is often, but not always, the “bad guy.” Think about the seven types of conflict in literature: Person ...
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An antagonist can be anything opposing the protagonist: another character, the status quo, forces of nature, or even the protagonist themself. In a work of fiction, the antagonist is often, but not always, the “bad guy.” Think about the seven types of conflict in literature: Person ...