In general, hosting means using the CLR to execute code in the context of another application. For example, SQL Server 2005 hosts the runtime to execute stored procedures written in managed code. I'm going to focus here on the aspects of hosting relevant to security,...
Properties provide more long-term flexibility for changing business rules. For example, suppose someone introduces the rule that a phone number must be 10 digits. There’s no way to perform this validation when assigning to a public field. Changing a public field to a property is a breaking ...
users will always have access to a unified, relevant, and current offering from the developer, regardless of the platform they use. The path for submission, validation, and publication of the app is the same as for a Teams
I currently have a small reporting solution which is extendable using razer templatesThe templates are compiled on run-time and generate html content.I use...
Visual Studio, includes JavaScript IntelliSense for new browser capabilities like Geolocation and DOM Storage, and provides comprehensive CSS3 IntelliSense and validation. You can download this extension, which will be regularly updated to provide enhanced tooling for HTML5 development,
Editing is allowed, but not recommended unless you completely trust its contents. File validation failure - When you see a message in Protected View that says "Microsoft 365 has detected a problem with this file. Editing it may harm your computer. Click for more details.", the file didn’t...
, as well as a particular runtime environment. The benefit is that the low-code app runs excellently within that runtime. The trade-off is that it’s locked into that runtime environment; the app’s design and logic can’t be exported from one low-code platform and run on another....
The validate_password plugin provides password policy enforcement and password strength validation. The caching_sha2_password plugin provides a more secure authentication method than the default mysql_native_password plugin. To learn more, visit server parameters. Availability in four additional Azure ...
Kubernetes has a notion of secrets, which is another good solution. Those secrets can be loaded as a file on the application's filesystem: a Java program can then read that file at startup time, to access those secrets. Tools like the Spring Frameworks even have standard...
Another new feature in 2.1 is support for loading Razor assets from separate libraries or packages. Separate ASP.NET Core apps frequently share common assets, such as Identity features (login, register, forgot password and the like). Typically, these common features resulted in a lot of duplicate...