We can smell the fragrance of flowers in spring. What's another word for "spring"? A. 统阶列王也统阶列王也Autumn.统阶列王也统阶列王也 B. 习化利约元法提极山四响电认也格习化利约元法提极山四响电认也格Winter.习化利约元法提极山四响电认也格习化利约元法提极山四响电认也格 C. 重专领...
“The bread offered to her had a peculiar, highly offensive smell.” Adjective ▲ Related to, or for the purpose of, attack rather than defense attacking assaulting invading assailing striking “An air defense effectiveness indicator in offensive operations should reflect the extent of air superior...
Is it dramatically or drastically? As adverbs the difference betweendrasticallyand dramatically. is that drastically is to a drastic degree while dramatically is in a dramatic manner. Is exorbitantly a word? adj.Going beyond what is reasonable or customary, especially in cost or price: exorbitant ...
What is another word forunpleasingly? Needsynonyms for unpleasingly? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts Adverb for displeasing to one's senses Adverb for unattractive or offensive to the eye
Need another word that means the same as “untoward”? Find 12 synonyms and 30 related words for “untoward” in this overview. Table Of Contents: Untoward as an Adjective Definitions of "Untoward" as an adjective Synonyms of "Untoward" as an adjective (12 Words) ...
For instance, the smell of a certain perfume may be delightful to one person while overwhelming to another. In contrast, an odor, particularly when described as such, usually suggests a consensus on its unpleasant nature, such as the odor of decaying organic matter, which is universally ...
There's a new look in town, which some people are calling 'scumbro'. Scumbro combines the word 'scummy', which means 'dirty and messy', with the word 'bro', which is an informal way of referring to a boy or man. So scumb...
Once we begin negotiating our settlement, I know you'll fight for this place. You'll tell the judge it should go to you because I never helped out. Well, here I am helping out.help out:帮忙韦氏词典英语释义:to do something so another person's job or task is easier例句:I can't do...
is a blessing for sb is a thread to is action plan is all in my dreams is an abstract concep is anybody home is bright for the day is clinging on for ev is committed is default is everything i want is falling down on al is format of is gone ang i find mg is good at sports ...
Another brand store seeks to be much more than a shop, but rather a destination. And scent is just one way to achieve this.Now a famous store uses complex man-made smell to make sure that the soft scent of baby powder floats through the kid department, and coconut scent in the ...