“Usually, the first bit poured over thelipof the flask is discarded as it serves to wash off thelip.” Noun ▲ Insolence or impertinence in speech “He'd come to the conclusion that his neighbor was a superior, stuck-up, upper-class twit, and decided that he wasn't going to take ...
A wrinkle or furrow in the skin or on a surface A trail of disturbed water or air left by the passage of a ship or aircraft … more ▼ Noun ▲ A rut, groove, or trail in the ground or another surface “He turned and picked up his roll, which had been grazed by a bullet, leavi...
Lap is the upper part of the thighs when sitting, whereas overlap refers to the extension of one thing over another, partially covering it.
There is an important distinction between equality and equity. Even though they come from the same root, Equality is about sameness, whereas equity is about fairness. Read on for more.
What is intersectionality? Intersectionality, a term coined byProfessor Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989, refers to the ways different parts of one’s identity intersect or overlap with one another. For instance, gender is one aspect of a person’s identity, but so are sexual orientation and race. ...
Why Is Organizational Behavior Important? Organizational behavior describes how people interact with one another inside of an organization, such as a business. These interactions subsequently influence how the organization itself behaves and how well it performs. For businesses, organizational behavior is ...
Implantation bleeding is generally nothing to be concerned about, but it’s a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or unexplained bleeding during pregnancy. Although light bleeding in early pregnancy can be normal, occasionally there may be another issue that nee...
Low-responder:someone who has a lower-than-average response to the stimulus of lifting weights. It refers to someone with bad muscle-building genetics. There’s very little overlap between non-responders and skinny guys. You could argue that “ectomorph” is a useful term because it describes ...
A chamber or compartment used for burying the dead “Abargi seems to have been buried in avaultwhich was filled in with the bodies of guards and attendants, so that they might accompany their master on his journey to another world.” ...
▲ To make level or equal in amount, degree, or status “The level of prices will move toequatesupply and demand.” Verb ▲ To correspond or be considered equal “The charges I shall have to pay to park weekly willequateto almost the equivalent of a year's subscriptions to be a choir...