“He will be remembered as a talentedmaestrowho did so much for Kenyan music while mentoring younger artists.” Noun ▲ A person who is highly skilled or knowledgeable in their field “Morash is amaestroof the Irish theatre, and his book will readily displace some of the dogged chronicles th...
What is another word forethicizing? Needsynonyms for ethicizing? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts Present participle for to comment or pass judgment on issues from a moral standpoint Present participle for to bring to a stage of social and cultur...
i couldn't have put it better myself. it is quite possible that i could have a bag full of pieces of wood that can be slotted together in different ways so that at one time i might assemble them into something to sit upon, another time into something to put food upon and so on. ...
But this new school is part of a longer story because it’s one of a series of new State-run gymnasiums or upper secondary schools that the Ministry of Education has created in some municipal centers over the past 10 years as populations decreased. But Tallinn is another story because their...
Another game-changing feature within SweetProcess is the ability towrite procedures using artificial intelligence. 1. How to Create a Process in SweetProcess Creating processeswith SweetProcess offers the advantage of quicker and more straightforward steps compared to otherprocess management tools. Moreove...
Another effect to keep in mind is aregression to the mean. This refers to the statistical phenomenon where extreme events or outlier situations tend to move closer to the average or typical state over time. Essentially, when something is unusually high or low, it is likely to become less ext...
A technology that allows replacing the real world by a synthetic one, making the user believe that she/he is in another realm. Published in Chapter: Current Trends on the Acquisition, Virtual Representation, and Interaction of Cultural Heritage: Exploring Virtual and Augmented Reality and Serious...
Variety,as they say, is the spice of life. If diversity is another word for variety, how can it enhance or flavor the world? Diversity—through the lenses of race, ethnicity, ability, gender, sexual orientation, neurodiversity, and beyond—can help to strengthen organizations, asstudies have...
quickly initiatementoring programsto foster networking and collaboration among employees, and developandstrengthenthecorporate culture. To this end, employees are allowed to contribute ideas and suggestions. In addition to Viva Connections, Microsoft offers another platform - Viva Engage - to strengthen emp...
Sustainability, both in the sense of climate considerations and broader corporate values, is another high priority for finance leaders. CFO hopefuls should understand the effects these issues have on financial reporting and what vulnerabilities and opportunities they present for the enterprise. “You do...