Few corners of the world remain untainted by intrepid tourists, and their impact is often devastating. Too frequently they trample heedlessly on fragile environments, displacing wildlife and local populations in their insatiable quest for unexplored locations. 5. What is the best title for this text?
What is this mark and who is the Beast? Who Is the Beast in Revelation? There are actually three beasts who make up what Thomas R. Schreiner calls “The Unholy Trinity” of monsters. One is a dragon, Satan, who stands on the seashore summoning another “beast rising out of the sea....
Another word for a holy person is "saint" (hagios), meaning a sanctified one. The opposite of sanctified is "profane" (Lev 10:10). ~ Excerpt from Baker's Bible DictionarySanctification involves more than a mere moral reformation of character, brought about by the power of the truth: it ...
In his letters, Jesus' disciple John frequently referred to love for others. For example: "In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent His son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. … ...
The interesting thing is the Gematria of the word Keshet which is written in Hebrew in the letters Kof, Shin, Tav. Those letters create the sum of 800, for Kof equals 100, Shin equals 300, and Tav equals 400, so the word Keshet in Hebrew, has the value of 800. ...
One of their unique characteristics is that, in their written forms, they originallydidn’t include vowelsat all. (Modern Hebrew now usually adds them in.) Because ancient languages typically also didn’t use spaces or lowercase letters, this makes reading the Old Testament in its most ancient...
Why me?” Another friend has had sudden hearing loss, and again might well be thinking, “Why me?” But these things are sent to grow us into being the sort of person God wants us to be….thankful in all things for the blessings we DO have. May we each one find that this is so...
What does it meanto have faith? Faith is loyalty, trust or a belief held with a strong conviction. The word of God puts it this way: “Now faith is confidence inwhat we hope forand assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV). ...
He opens wide the flood-gates of his heart, to let men see how deep is the flood within his soul; then suddenly it floweth out, and all is gone—and all is nothing, for one puff of empty wind, one word of sweet applause—the soul is gone, and not a drop is left. In almost ...
Christians will not find the word “suicide” in Scripture, but the fact of suicide is seen throughout Scripture as an evidence of the struggle some have with the effects of mankind’s fallen nature. The Bible teaches that Satan, the father of lies, comes to steal, kill, and destroy God...