What is another word forsoftest? Needsynonyms for softest? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Superlative for not hard or firm to touch Superlative for lacking stiffness or firmness Superlative for physically easy to mold or manipulate ...
What is another word formost enviable? Needsynonyms for most enviable? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Superlative for desired or sought after Superlative for bearing good value, worth or reliability ...
finest最好的 hey Jane, we’re having guest. Bring out our finest china. The Mona Lisa is DaVinci’s finest work. (蒙娜丽莎是达芬奇最好的作品) You’re the finest teacher we’ve ever seen. 2. You would..take his place? Take one’s place 替。。上场 I was sick yesterday and I ...
1995: Active Worlds is released, one of the first virtual worlds to allow users to create and customize their own avatars. 1999: The Palace is released, another early virtual world that was popular among celebrities and musicians. 2003: Second Life is released, one of the most popular virtual...
They are thought to be among the finest beaches in the world. Another wonderful thing about the beaches of Hawaii is the water temperature. The year-round average(平均) temperature of the water at the famous Waikiki Beach is 23℃! The same is true of air temperature. In fact, there ...
Another example of personalized emails based on gender segmentation, this email from All Things Hair is aimed at women looking for tips and tricks on hair care. Source 8. Aesop Aesop’s Mother's day gift recommendation email is a fine example of a personalized email. Subscribers looking for ...
G.Itmayseemlikeasimplerequesttoaskfor saltandpepperatameal C (2022·新高考全国卷Ⅰ)FitnessMagazine recentlyrananarticletitled “Five Reasonsto ThankYourWorkoutPartner”.Onereasonwas: “You?llactuallyshowupifyouknowsomeoneis waitingforyouatthegym,”whileanotherread: “ 11 ”Withaworkoutpartner,you wil...
Well, for one thing, kids like it. And for another, according to Ripley, parents seem to like the arrangement, too. She describes a tour she took of a school in Washington D.C., which costs thirty thousand dollars a year. The tour leader—a mother with three children in the school—...
And for efficiency, we skip the matching for the finest layer relu1_1 (which will not degrade the matching quality much). We suggest to downscale the shorter edge to 256 pixels if you find it too costly. To disable TDR, you may change the TDR-related registry keys like this https://...
last word perfect specimen one in a million definitive example role model jewel in the crown perfect example of its kind precedent pearl zenith finest guide incarnation specimen angel template avatar trump peach wonder essentiality core catch