What is another word forbunkers? Needsynonyms for bunkers? Here's a list ofsimilar wordsfrom ourthesaurusthat you can use instead. Contexts▼ Plural for a dugout, ditch, or foxhole serving as a protective refuge below ground level Plural for hazard on a golf course ...
“However, critics would say that the failure toreinin the incomes of the rich has meant that society in Britain is no more equal than it was in 1997.” Verb ▲ To allay a situation that has escalated Find more words! Another word forOpposite ofMeaning ofRhymes withSentences withFind word...
Anotherconcernishowtodealwithstormsandflooding.Somecoastalcommunitiesinthe U.S.havemadeartificialreefsfromoysters?(牡蛎)shellsinsteadofrocks.Thebuildersuseshells collectedfromrestaurantstocreatethebarriers.ChrysantheBroikosalsosuggestssettingaside landalongthecoastforparksinsteadofhousing.Shesaysthisismorenaturalandkee...
However, due to the friction element of the practice and the fact it is primarily associated with people who have vulvas, traditional safer sex barriers might not work. Often, condoms are used on penises and strap-ons during penetrative sex or oral sex, latex, or nitrile gloves are used fo...
Think about that: “as soon as [women] knew the business schools wanted to enroll women, they applied in droves.” Is it really that easy? What if many of the gender barriers we’re staring down lately are as flimsy as that? Today onFreakonomics Radio: how to tweak and nudge and occa...
G.Itmayseemlikeasimplerequesttoaskfor saltandpepperatameal C (2022·新高考全国卷Ⅰ)FitnessMagazine recentlyrananarticletitled “Five Reasonsto ThankYourWorkoutPartner”.Onereasonwas: “You?llactuallyshowupifyouknowsomeoneis waitingforyouatthegym,”whileanotherread: “ 11 ”Withaworkoutpartner,you wil...
What are language barriers explain any two? Language barriers usually occurwhen two people who speak different languages cannot understand one another, and there is a breakdown in language and communication. They can also come from physical language disabilities which include stuttering, articulation diso...
Another interpretation defines a limited government as one that exercises only the specifically named powers that its constitution assigns to it. It can also be characterized by aseparation of powersand a system ofchecks and balances. For example, the U.S. government is restricted to exercising th...
“Ticket barriers at stations slow down passenger flow, but the determined non-payer can stillvaultover them, or sneak through behind a legitimate ticketholder.” Verb ▲ To extend across or be situated on both sides of Verb ▲ To execute a quick, acrobatic movement where the body rotates en...
Implementing KPO can be time- and resource-intensive to establish a successful operation. Moreover, communication can be a concern and a challenge, due to legal, language, and cultural barriers. Another disadvantage: Existing employees might feel threatened by the hiring of outsourced workers and fe...