What is renal capsule? What are renal calculi, and why might they form in the urinary system? What is the GFR? What conditions favor the formation of renal calculi? What delivers urine to the renal papilla? What is a renal clearance test?
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Definition of Renal Calculi: Renal calculi are commonly known as kidney stones. They refer to hard deposits that form in the kidneys.2. Composition: These stones
Renal calculi in lower pole calices: What is the best method of treatment? J Urol 1991; 146:721.Netto NR Jr, Claro JF, Lemos GC, Cortado PL, Renal calculi in lower pole calices: what is the best method of treatment? J Urol. 1991 Sep;146(3):7213....
Provide the another common name/s for the disorder called Popliteal pterygium syndrome. What is the clinical manifestation of the disease known as Daltonism? What is the name given to the condition characterized by the presence of renal calculi?
Cystine stones are a type ofkidney stone. They are also called renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis, and they are caused by a genetic condition. Here’s what to know about cystine crystals and stones in urine. What Are Cystine Stones?
Also, 30 percent of that group will have yet another bout. Of the last group of women, 80 percent will have bladder infection recurrences. They are most common in the age groups 25-29 and over 55 years. For example, in the United Kingdom alone, it is estimated that 1 woman in 3 ...
Kidney stonesare hard, pebble-like masses or crystals that can form inside yourkidneys. They can result from themineralsand salts that are dissolved in your pee, especially if you haven't been drinking enough water. You might hear your doctor call them renal calculi, nephrolithiasis, or urolith...
) By name; by particular mention; specifically; especially; expressly. Namely (adv.) That is to say; to wit; videlicet; -- introducing a particular or specific designation. Namer (n.) One who names, or calls by name. Namesake (n.) One that has the same name as another; especially,...
Humans have been dealing with renal calculi for a very long time, andlithotomy, the removal of renal calculi, is one of the oldest known surgical procedures. The pain would have been considerable in eras before anesthesia, and complicated by an imperfect understanding of internalanatomy, but ofte...
The management of large renal calculi has traditionally been with percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) or occasionally extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). We present our experience of ureteroscopic treatment of large renal calculi in patients where PCNL/ESWL were contraindicated, refused or failed...