The crystallisation of this essay was initiated by Hugh Brody’s recent book - The other side of Eden (2001) on the distinctive ‘world view’ of hunter gatherers, especially the Inuit (Eskimos). One key concept in this essay is the qualitative difference which divides ‘simple’ hunter gat...
There are eight realms, each a giant, largely flat crystallisation of magic within a realmsphere of breathable atmosphere. But how big is a realmsphere? What sits between them? How do you get from one to another? Veteran explorers of the Age of Sigmar surely know ...
both because it is designed to discuss about “the public” (Heidlebaugh2008) and because it helps to co-construct what ‘the public’ even means. The latter is what Felt and Fochler (2010) assert when they refer to public engagement as “machineries for making publics”. In this sense...
2009,2014) and, ultimately, a complex examination of motivation. Crystallisation in this study was possible through combining the lenses of practitioner research and narrative inquiry to offer complementary insights into the same phenomenon. In this paper, for reasons...
It is true to say that in one form or another ferroelectric materials have become ubiquitous for the society of today. After the discovery of ferroelectricity in Rochelle Salt by Valasek [7] in 1920, ferroelectric materials have emerged as a very promising material group with wide applications ...
Another question was: should conservation follow the strict guidelines used in mu- seum environments? Considering that, as previously discussed, different profession- als/institutions are typically responsible for the fate of a specific contemporary mural, this issue is still under discussion case by ...