Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Annelida Class: Polychaeta Subclass: Aciculata Order: Phyllodocida Suborder: Aphroditiformia Family: Aphroditidae Genus: Aphroditella Species: hastata The species described here,Aphroditella hastata, was previously known asAphrodita hastata. There is another sea mouse ...
What is the phylum Gnetophyta? Gnetophytes: The gnetophytes include all gymnosperms that bear their reproductive structures in cones or strobili. They differ from other gymnosperms as both the seed-producing female cones and the pollen-producing male cones are compounds. Both male and female st...
The phylum Annelida is better known as segmented worms. If you think of an earthworm, an organism many people are familiar with, you will note the series of indentations that make the worm look like it is made of a long chain of connected rings. Each ring is a segment of its body. ...
Annelida- This phylum containssegmentedworms. Earthworms are a familiar type of annelid to us. In the ocean, segmented worm species include such beautiful animals asChristmas tree worms. Arthropoda- Many familiar types of seafood, such aslobstersand crabs, are arthropods. Arthropods have a hard ex...
What is the habitat of members of the phylum Annelida? What is a sea anemone's habitat? What is the coevolution of flowers and insects? What is the emerald ash borer's habitat? What is the habitat of members of the subphylum Urochordata?
Phylum Annelida - Annelids are worm-like organisms (leeches, earthworms, etc.). They are characterized by an elongated muscular body that is segmented. See phylum: Percolozoa Aschelminthes Plant PhylaLike animals, plants are divided into several phyla depending on given structural/morphological ...
I always learn something new on this website. I would have thought that the class would have fallen just below kingdom, followed closely by phylums. Naming whether something is a plant, animal, or amphibian seems like it would have been the most logical way to classify something below the...
Soil sealing limits many soil organisms, although some taxonomic groups (e.g., earthworms [phylum Annelida] and ants [family Formicidae]) can survive under impervious surfaces or pavement (Youngsteadt et al. 2015). Landscaping practices, such as the removal of woody debris and leaf litter,...
In which of the following phyla, the adult shows radial symmetry while the larva has bilateral symmetry? AAnnelida BArthropoda CMollusca DEchinodermataSubmit An acoelomate animal with bilateral symmetry is AHydra BLiver fluke CPhysalia DObeliaSubmit ...
Phylum Annelida Circulatory & Nervous Systems Leech Definition, Types & Features Earthworm Dissection Lesson Plan Earthworm Lesson Plan Earthworm Lesson for Kids: Facts & Anatomy Earthworm Circulatory System | Overview, Anatomy & Diagram Earthworm Lesson Plan for Elementary School Types of Invertebrates: ...