SR22 insurance proves you have the minimum car insurance required in your state after a DUI or other serious offense. Here’s where you can find one and how to get the cheapest rates.
You will often hear and see the phrase “SR-22 Insurance.” Just remember that the SR-22 refers to a specific form, not an actual policy. So, what is the difference between an SR-22 and regular insurance? Nothing really, just the cost and the form. It is a way that you can prove...
The specific requirements and regulations surrounding SR-50 insurance vary from state to state. In some states, the SR-50 is an actual certificate that must be filed with the DMV, while in others, it may be indicated directly on the driver’s insurance policy or through an electronic filing ...
322.26 F.S., aFinancial Responsibility suspensionwill be applied to your driver license record (in addition to the revocation). This type of suspension affects your driver license and any plates/registrations in your name. What is an FR suspension in the state of Florida?
This simply means that your driving record will be used by an insurance agent to determine exactly how much you will pay in car insurance based on a low or high risk category, as discussed in the previous section. So how much is high risk auto insurance, and is there any way to keep ...
For what it is worth, I bought my first Bonsanza in 1954 (Seven years old and considered to be an antique at the time, but it was all I could afford)and I flew it IFR whenever needed. It was not equipped with an artificial horizon, but it did nhave a directional gyro in addition...
Complacency kills.Richard Collins always said that, no matter how many hours were in your logbook, it was the next hour that counted. That was his way of staying vigilant, because Mother Nature and Murphy’s Law do not care whether you’re a student pilot or an ATP. A threat is a ...