and in particular the necessary activity of parking a bicycle at the end of a trip. The focus is on parking bicycles out of the home. The research aims to provide an evidence base for the improvement of policy and practice and is based on the policy concern for the adequacy of the bicyc...
Gut 2007;56(UEGW Suppl):G114.Holtmann G, Hunt RH, Katelaris P, et al. What is the truth? Sleep disturbance as assessed by investigators or a validated instrument (ReQuestTM) in patients with GERD. Am J Gastroenterol 2007;102(Suppl 2):S124-5....
Incidence of Surgical Site Infection After Spine Surgery: What Is the Impact of the Definition of Infection? Clin Orthop Relat Res 2015;473:1612-9.Nota SP, Braun Y, Ring D, Schwab JH: Incidence of surgical site infection after spine surgery: what is the impact of the definition of ...
The other thing is that he might be the best roleplayer among us, which adds an additional dimension to things. Even though it isn’t relevant to taking over an existing character, he comes up with some of the best character concepts. When I say “roleplay”, he doesn’t particularly d...
Mertens V, Blondeau K, Vanaudenaerde B, et al.: Pepsin or bile acids: what is the best marker of gastric aspiration in lung transplant recipients? J Heart Lung Transplant 2008, 27:S125– S126.Mertens V, Blondeau K, Vanaudenaerde BM, et al. Pepsin or bile acids: what is the best ...
Since air velocity is not monitored, an estimated value of 0.1 m/s is Buildings 2023, 13, 1 6 of 21 used. As for the air temperature and mean radiant temperature, the same assumption as in the Adaptive model is done (they are equal). PMV is calculated using a python library called ...