Investigators designing intervention studies make many decisions that influence the credibility and interpretation of research results. One key decision is the selection of an appropriate control group, or comparison group. For an intervention study to demonstrate that a treatment is effective or superior ...
What is the rationale for such national orientations? 这与“自由选择”的原则有关。 It has to do with the principle of "free choice." 如果税收较低,那么更多的钱就会留在工薪阶层手中,由他们来决定如何消费。 If taxes are lower, then more money is left in the hands of earners ...
One should understand the difference between a proposal and a paper before the writing process begins, as these are different tasks. As its name implies, a proposal is a rationale for research to be approved by an instructor. It should explain the purpose of future projects and what new aspec...
Here, Socrates questions the unique benefits of rhetoric. Slowly, he dismantles Gorgias’s rationale, thus disproving the unique benefits of rhetoric. Related Posts What is Ethos, Pathos & Logos? → What is the Rhetorical Triangle? →
Rationale There are several reasons companies award restricted shares that vest over a period of time. Since the employee must be employed at the company until the vesting period, such shares typically encourage loyalty. The employees also have a reason to work harder until the end of the vestin...
By expressing their intentions as part of the rationale for their decisions and actions, CEOs can minimize the risk of unintended interpretations being amplified in unhelpful ways. One consumer goods CEO told us, “You are speaking through an extraordinary amplification system. The slightest thing ...
Rationale.Includes historical information about the standard's contents and why certain features were added or removed. POSIX.1 takes a "write once, adopt everywhere" approach to the specifications by providing a set of fundamental services needed to efficiently build applications. The standard emphasiz...
a 40% tariff is imposed on all watches being imported to the country. The rationale for this would be to discourage domestic customers from purchasing these imported goods and instead buy from local manufacturers. By the way, countries may impose tariffs as sales tax, extra customs fees, an...
The perspectives of the arguments might have been a rationale on one side or the other, but the reason for the argument was a very substantial one. Thus, I was not engaged in a delusional rant! But again, this is how psychotherapists can generalize an emotion to the point of criminality...
it has been correctly signed and authorized. If there is data missing, the request may be sent back for additional information. If the request is inappropriate or exceeds purchasing limits, the purchase requisition may be rejected and sent back to the requestor with the rationale for the ...